Monday 19 September 2011

So what is it when you think,  i shall write a post then when it comes to it you cant think of a word to put down. I mean i think of things through out the day, how things are and what they mean to me etc but when it comes to a night time when the kids have gone to bed its blank....
 Well one thing i have done is took some  more pics of Flo. Want to have a look.......

here she is growing quickly now, 4 weeks old and getting more feathers by the day.
This week i thought that i would try and get all the girls together, well didnt quite go to plan. Penelope top chook, well she went straight for both of them, so i quickly removed her out the way and then that left gertie and bluebell. These two girls didnt seem too bad with flo and mable. A couple of flusters of the feathers but as a whole not too bad. Also i decided to let all the girls into the larger pen, which i must say flo seemed quite at home, climbing  onto the turned up tree stumps. It was really nice to see them all out again, mixing. By the time it was starting to get dark, even though they were getting on ok i thought i would remove gertie, just because she was still a little pecky. So in all i managed to rehouse bluebell with mable and flo in one henhouse and penelpoe and gertie stayed back in their own hen house, i think it will be more the slowly approach with them, especially penelope...

mable and flo, climbing the stumps.

Night time for mable, flo and bluebell.... these 3 seemed so relaxed with each other not once have they squabbled so thumbs up i think.

This morning, well me and bear decided to make dad some yummy chocolate chip cakes...
As you can imagine bear was covered with chocolate cake mixture as like most kids he enjoyed licking the bowl and the spoon and the whisk attachments...
In the end we ended up with these.

Very scrummy if i do say so.

Anyway as my brain cant think of anything else to say then i shall have to go, but i hope you have enjoyed reading my update.... bye and good night x x

1 comment:

  1. oh wow, she looks so grown up with all her feathers! I know what you mean about losing words, where do they all go?
