I must say this recipe she gave me has a large quantity of butter, sugar and of course chocolate. 300g to be precise, 300g of butter and roughly the same quantity in sugar. We got all of the ingrediants out ready into bowls, and then we started to put the ingrediants together, i did find though at the end that i had to quickly sort out another baking tin as the one we had prepared wasnt going to be big enough, thats ok more choc brownies at the end. I finished pouring the mixture into the tins then i placed them into the oven.
Then came the job that we all tend to dislike, the washing up. Anyway while doing this i quickly realised that i had missed one of the important ingrediants, coco powder oops!!
so as the brownies had only just gone into the oven, i very quickly pulled them back out and put half of the coco in one tin and half in the other, blended it on in, then quickly put back into the oven and fingers crossed. Time was up, and the oven door got pulled open, to my surprise they came out looking absolutley fab.
The end product was to die for, very mourish, squigy, yummy chocolate fudge brownies. Even though they are lovely, you couldnt eat too much at once as i think you would sick, but that isnt a bad thing, plenty more for another day.
This afternoon. oh well it was jumble sale time, yay!
Not any old jumble sale this was the WI jumble sale, Isleham WI jumble sales are in a league of their own, people come from afar to come to these ones. Out of all the people there i should think only 10% were from the village, a shame in a way that more Isleham people didnt turm out but good because there is always still a good turn out.
It always make me laugh when i go to these as people just dont care, they are like a bull in a china shop, the clothes go up in the air, people push and shove, so you have to be on the ball, but you know thast what i kind of enjoy about it all.
Sweetpea joined in the fun too, but this was her first WI jumble, and i think she was quiet surprised about it all, so i showed her a few tricks about getting in the crowds, grab her her by the hand a pull her in, as soon as i saw a gap we were there. oh we did have a laugh.
Sweetpea was looking for woollen jumpers so she could turn them into felt, all depends on the wool mix and percentage apparently. I picked up a couple of tops for 40p each bargain, i also did quiet well in the tombola too, 1 bottle of wine, 1 bottle of bucks fizz, small bottle of shandy, pair of slippers, easter egg, j2o bottle, notepad, and lynx deo.
I also manage to pick up some material for crafting, all in all a fab day at the jumble.
I think sweetpea enjoyed herself too.
One more thing before i go and that is this fab giveaway at Laalaas, go and have a look,
Anyway time to go so have a great weekend, and i will see you all soon x x x