Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Iam finding this very annoying now, everytime i go to write a comment on your posts i have trouble with blogger, it seems to let me write the comment but then when i use the verfying word it just returns me back to my log in page and then that doesnt work and i end up going round and round in circles, so if you know how to help me sort out this issue then please do let me know, thankyou  xxx


  1. You're not alone - lots of us have had the same problem. It seems to work if you sign in to your Google account and make sure the 'keep me signed in' box is NOT ticked.

    Hope that helps.


  2. As Pink milk above says, it worked for me. Another blogger has told me to go to the "known issues" page. Go to "tools"-"internet options"-and then delete "browsing history". It is apparently a problem with rogue cookies. Hope you can get it sorted! :) x

  3. I know, hasnt it been annoying?

    Seems much better today, lets hope it stays that way.

    Enjoy the weekend!

